People. Country. Opportunity.
The National Indigenous Land & Sea Strategy 2023-28 reaffirms the ILSC’s key role as the lead national agency partnering with First Nations’ peoples in the return and management of Country, and sets a clear agenda for the coming years.
In Returning and managing Country 2022-23, we showcase how Indigenous people are generating benefits from owning and managing Country and invite you to work with us to realise your own aspirations.
How can we help you? The Our Country Our Future Program Guidelines will help you decide whether our chief funding program for returning and managing Country is a good fit for you and your project.
Our Country Our Future is the ILSC’s national funding program. It operates across urban, regional and remote areas—it doesn’t matter where in Australia you live.
Through Our Country Our Future, the ILSC can provide a wide range of assistance to those proposing projects: from brokering and developing partnerships, to facilitating and coordinating support, to providing funding assistance.