Tenders and Procurement


ILSC procures a range goods and services in the course of its business, this includes engaging consultants with specialist expertise for independent research, review or assessment work.

This page provides current opportunities for suppliers of goods and services to work with the ILSC.

The ILSC prioritises maximising the use of goods and services provided by businesses that are owned or controlled by or employ Indigenous people.  This is consistent with our enabling legislation, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005.

The ILSC also welcomes non-Indigenous businesses and service providers’ interest in any opportunities available and will always consider proposals and submissions in line with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 requirements to ensure the efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of public resources.

The ILSC’s procurement of goods and services is also undertaken in line with the ILSC Indigenous Procurement Policy. The Policy ensures that the ILSC actively seeks opportunities to maximise the procurement of Indigenous goods and services to support Indigenous businesses to grow and in turn employ more Indigenous people. The Policy also supports Indigenous economic development in regional and remote Australia and to build the presence of Indigenous businesses in the ILSC supply chain.

Current Opportunities

Please check back for future opportunities.