Freecall 1800 818 490
The ILSC assists Indigenous people with the acquisition and management of land, salt water and fresh water so they can achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.
Call now to discuss funding your project idea – freecall 1800 818 490. Or, contact the relevant ILSC office, see below for details.
For all media enquires please contact the communications team via or call the Adelaide office: (08) 8100 7102
Divisional Offices
Western Divisional Office
Perth, Western Australia
Ray Lennox
General Manager
Level 20
140 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
PO Box 7502
Cloisters Square
Perth WA 6850
Phone: (08) 9420 6300

Central Divisional Office
Adelaide, South Australia
Mark Anderson
General Manager
Level 7
70 Franklin Street
Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 652
Adelaide SA 5001
Phone: (08) 8100 7102