Privacy Policy

The ILSC has developed a Privacy Policy to protect your privacy.

Personal information collected by the ILSC is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). Personal information is any information or an opinion that identifies an individual and includes sensitive and health information.

The Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act set out the ILSC’s obligations in relation to the collection, storage, use, disclosure, quality and security of personal information and access and correction rights of individuals in relation to their personal information.

The ILSC Privacy Policy is available in hard copy on request, or it can be downloaded here.

The primary reason for collecting personal information from individuals and groups is to enable the ILSC to carry out its purpose to assist Indigenous people to acquire and manage land to achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits. This purpose includes planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating our work. The kind of information we collect will depend on your relationship with the ILSC (e.g. as a member of an applicant group, trainee, employee, or on line user of the ILSC website).

The purpose of this policy

Under the Pricavy Act, the ILSC is required to have a clearly expressed and up-to-date policy about its collection and management of personal information.

The ILSC Privacy Policy outlines its commitment to complying with the Privacy Act, explains the nature and purpose of some personal information collected by ILSC and how you may access or amend the personal information collected by us about you. It explains how the ILSC will respond to a Notifiable Data Breach and how you may make a privacy complaint.

Privacy complaints

If you think the ILSC has breached the Privacy Act, you may contact our Privacy Officer whose contact details are at the ‘How to contact us’ section of this Policy. Your complaint should include a brief description of your privacy concern, any action or dealings you have had with an officer of the ILSC to address your concern and your preferred contact details. If you provide your contact details, the ILSC’s Privacy Officer will then contact you to resolve your concerns.

If you do not receive an adequate response from ILSC after 30 days, you can make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Before you can lodge a complaint with the OAIC, you will generally need to complain directly to the ILSC and allow 30 days for our response. If you do not receive a response (after 30 days), or you are dissatisfied with the response, you may then complain to the OAIC.

Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner complaints contact details

Complaints to the OAIC must be made in writing.  

Online form:OAIC Privacy Complaint Form
Post:The Privacy Commissioner
Office of the Australian Commissioner
GPO Box 5288
Sydney NSW 2001
Facsimile+61 6123 5145

How to contact the ILSC about a privacy matter

Contact the ILSC’s Privacy Officer if you want to:

  • ask questions about the ILSC’s Privacy Policy
  • query how your personal information is collected, held, used, stored or disclosed by the ILSC
  • obtain access to or seek correction of your personal information held by the ILSC, or
  • make a privacy complaint about the ILSC
The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation Privacy Officer details
Contact Privacy Officer – ILSC
Phone (08) 8100 7100
Post Privacy Officer
Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
GPO Box 652 Adelaide, SA 5001

Privacy Impact Assessment Register

Under the Privacy (Australian Government Agencies – Governance) APP Code 2017 (Code), the ILSC is required to conduct privacy impact assessments for all high risk privacy projects. A project will be a high risk project if the ILSC considers that the project involves any new or changed ways of handling personal information that are likely to have a significant impact on the privacy of the individuals.

A register of privacy impact assessments conducted by the ILSC since the Code came into effect is below.

The ILSC updates the Privacy Impact Assessment register regularly. The register was last updated April 2023.

Privacy Impact Assessment Register

Date of PIA Subject of PIA
 None completed