
Bright Future for Bruny Island Graduates

29 Nov 2006

The success of a conservation and land management training course at historic Murrayfield on Bruny Island seems set to create new traineeship opportunities for young Aboriginal Tasmanians.

Tomorrow, Thursday November 30, the first four trainees will graduate from the course in a ceremony to be held at Murrayfield, Trumpeter Bay Rd. at 12.30 p.m.

The Indigenous Land Corporation, which owns and manages Murrayfield, established the new training program for Aboriginal youth in conjunction with Greening Australia and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

The Conservation and Land Management Training program trains young Aboriginal people in agriculture, land management, cultural heritage management and infrastructure maintenance in preparation for employment in these industries.

ILC Chairperson Shirley McPherson said the achievements of the first four trainees will help pave the way for other young Aboriginal Tasmanians.

“We will now be exploring options for future programs which will have a focus on preparing trainees for employment through skills development, education and training”.

The trainees spent 13 weeks living and working at Murrayfield and have gained their Certificate One in Conservation and Land Management.

They have undertaken a wide of range of tasks and have developed practical skills including fencing, weed control, re-vegetation, construction and building maintenance, among other general farm skills.

CEO of Greening Australia (Tas) Jonathan Duddles said: “We are very excited to have provided conservation and land management training to these exceptional young Aboriginal Tasmanians,”

“To be working alongside the ILC and the local Aboriginal community to protect and enhance the natural and cultural values on Murrayfield is a great honour,” he said.

The training program has opened up positive future employment opportunities for the four young Tasmanians. Two of the trainees are hoping to establish their own fencing business, one trainee is starting work at the Aboriginal Heritage Office while the other trainee has decided to further their knowledge and skills through additional training and employment.

For further information contact Anna Atherton-Griggs at Greening Australia on 0439 357704 or Eric Roberts at the ILC on 0417 818482.
News editors please note: Kettering Ferry departs 12.05 p.m.
Bright Future for Bruny Island Graduates

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