Bega has over 8,000 client contacts per annum and is also the largest employer of Indigenous people in the Goldfields region with around 60 Indigenous staff, 60% of Bega’s total employees.
The handover of Doriemus House at 51 MacDonald Street in Kalgoorlie as an administration and corporate services base, was attended by the Bega’s Board of Directors (shown at right), the CEO and staff and representatives from the ILC’s Western Divisional Office.
ILC Chairman Eddie Fry said Doriemus House was originally purchased by the ILC in 2005 with Bega leasing the property from 2011 prior to the official handover.
“The ILC is very pleased to see this property granted to a high performing Indigenous organisation like Bega and it supports the great work they are doing in providing much-needed health and social services to thousands of people across a large region” Mr Fry said.