Gunbalanya Station and Meats


The ILSC operates Gunbalanya Station and Meats as separate businesses on the Arnhem Land Aboriginal Land Trust under a grazing licence.

Gunbalanya Meats operates a small abattoir and retail butcher shop in the community of Gunbalanya on West Arnhem Land in the NT. Beef and buffalo meat grown on Gunbalanya Station is processed through Gunbalanya Meats and sold to a wide range of customers, from local community organisations to meat wholesalers and retailers throughout the Territory. Gunbalanya Station and Meats are a significant source of employment at Gunbalanya and host local Aboriginal people training and working in beef production and meat processing.

The ILSC assists the Gunbalanya Station and Meats businesses. It operate the 80,000ha station under a Pastoral Land Use Agreement between the ILSC, Gunbalanya Meat Supply Pty Ltd (GMS), the Arnhem Land Aboriginal Land Trust and the Northern Land Council.

Indigenous participants hosted on Gunbalanya Station and Meats undertake Certificate II or lll level courses in either Beef Cattle Production or Meat Processing. Station trainees and staff undertake horsemanship and low stress stock handling schools. The Indigenous board of GMS makes up the Gunbalanya Cattle Committee. The ILSC meets with the committee each quarter to discuss and seek guidance on issues relating to business and property management, Indigenous employment and training and cultural and environmental matters.

Land management by station staff, such as efforts to control the Mimosa Pigra, a weed of national significance, helps protect and maintain access to culturally important land.

Each year, Gunbalanya Meats donates beef to support local cultural events, funerals and community celebrations, such as the Gunbalanya open day. 

In 2012, the joint business won the Australian Business Award for Community Contribution in recognition of the positive impacts that Gunbalanya Station and Meats are having in the Indigenous community of Gunbalanya.

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